Strategies for Interviewing Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
STC Intercom July/August 2024
tcworld magazine February 2021
(Nonmembers can register free of charge to read the article)
Minimalism Revisited: An Interview with John Carroll
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the publication of The Nurnberg Funnel
STC Intercom March/April 2020
25 Tips for Successful Presentations
tcworld magazine November 2019 (Published online February 2020)
A Conversation with Gabby Pascuzzi: Survivor Contestant, Technical Communicator
STC's Notebook blog (with video) March 2019
Connecting with Peter Morville
STC's Notebook blog (with video) February 2019
Three Collaboration Tools for Technical Communicators
A Renaissance Technical Communicator: A Conversation with David Pogue
STC Intercom November/December 2016
The Essentials - Handy GitHub Resources
STC Intercom September 2016
The Essentials - Tips for Great Presentations
STC Intercom February 2016 (column)
Badass: An Interview with Kathy Sierra
STC's Notebook blog and STC Intercom June 2015
Interview with John Carroll, STC Honorary Fellow
STC's Notebook blog May 2015
STC's Notebook blog April 2015 and STC Intercom May 2015
Making Content Flexible with Responsive Design
tcworld magazine May 2014
The Essentials - Responsive Design
STC Intercom March 2014 (column)
STC's Notebook blog and STC Intercom January 2014
Interview with Marcus Hunt, cohost of Owner's Manual
STC's Notebook blog Aug 2013 and STC Intercom Sept 2013
Minimalism Revisited: An Interview with John Carroll
STC Intercom February 2013
tcworld magazine February 2013
The Essentials - Handy Editing Resources
STC Intercom September 2012 (column)
The Essentials - Technical Communication's Value Proposition
STC Intercom February 2012 (column)
The Essentials - Online Help Outputs
STC Intercom November 2011 (column)
The History and Future of Embedded User Assistance (with Tony Self)
tcworld magazine November 2010
Evaluating Software Documentation Projects Quickly
tcworld magazine September 2010
Enhancing the User Experience with Social Media
TechCom Manager Newsletter August 2010
Laying the Foundations for Success
ISTC Communicator Summer 2010
Improving software usability through embedded user assistance
tcworld magazine October 2009
Technical Communication Departments = Higher Profits!
TechCom Manager Newsletter August 2009
STC Intercom June 2009
Convergence Technical Communication: Strategies for Incorporating Web 2.0
The Content Wrangler website January 2009
Constructing a One-Stop “Answer Station” Website for Software Users (with Beth Williams)
WritersUA website
Guest Editor: STC Intercom November/December 2016
Theme: "Legends of Technical Communication"
Featuring interviews with David Pogue, Ginny Redish, Saul Carliner, Karen Schriver, JoAnn Hackos, and Suzanne Briet. Also "Ask the Keynotes", a roundup of past STC Summit keynote speakers, including Vinton Cerf, Denise Jacobs, Scott Berkun, Erin McKean, Jonathon Colman, Nancy Duarte, David Rose, Felice Frankel, and Simon Singh.
Winner: STC Intercom Outstanding Guest-Edited Issue 2016